Lockdown, Covid-19, uncertainty, grateful


This time is hard for all of us and it rocks our lives in a way we could never imagine. Makes us all equal and we all have to work together to come through this. We are all hoping that life will slowly get back to normal. It's very unusual to be stranded at home with no shows, no social life, no family nearby. But it gives you plenty of time to reflect over the past and to think of the future. We are still very lucky to be able to be with our horses everyday, to train, improve and to get every minute doing the thing we love. But we are also athletes and we leave on the excitement of competitions and goals. For me last year i achieved many of my goals what i thought where not all gonna come through in a year. Being busy going from show to show, clients, young horses, business etc sometimes keeps you from really stoping up and enjoy everything. I'm so grateful to everyone who helped me on the way to all the success of last year. 

